do you have microwave...?
mostly the people are sayaing that they has that modern life is being admired, new innovation of technology are being developed, life is become easier and instant. telephone makes the distance reachable within a second as well as the internet. ready made foods are now available everywhere included frozen stuff and fast food, which is instant to prepare and get them ready for eaten. than microwave is also take a part on making live so simple as well as how it operated.
microwave, its device is become so famous among those houshold that displayed on the dining room, it is elegant and easy to use as it is very useful to the user.
but than, the people use any bowl or wrapes on heating food whic is dangerous for them, here are not to use on the microwave:
1. no plastic container on the microwave
2. no plastic wrap in microwave
those two items if getting burn will form a chemicals named dioxindioxin is the name of super toxic chemical. the chlorinated dioxin and furan, formed as by-product of manufacture or burning of organic chemicals and plastics that contain chlorine. a dioxin chemical would cause cancer, especially breast cancer.
the food that contain fat combine to high heat and plastic will releases a dioxin into food and ultimately into the cells of the body.
if you want to use microwave still, but do not want getting dioxin, tha recommended to use glass, such us corning ware, pyrex or ceramic containers for heating food.
additional information is that plastic wrap is just as dangerous as when it placed over food to be cooked in the microwave as the food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxin to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food.cover the food with paper towel instead and enjoy using microwave
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