Parents have always told their children to eat their vegetables. It is funny to know that this will not only help you grow up to be big and strong but are also helpful in preventing aging.
Among the many products available, here are 7 that are worth eating.
1. The first are carrots. This orange colored vegetable is high in beta carotene. Studies show that people who eat one medium carrot a day can significantly reduce aging and ward off many other diseases.
It is possible to eat them raw or cooked. This can be mixed with other dishes and can even be turned into a drink using a juicer.
2. Man can't live with carrots alone so other sources to fight off aging have to be found. A good example is the the avocado. Studies show that this is rich in monosaturated fat that helps reduce cholesterol in the body. It also packs vitamin E, which contributes to healthy looking skin.
3. Berries are another because they contain antioxidants. Some examples of these are black berries, blue berries and blackcurrants.
4. Most Americans eat a lot of poultry and meat products despite that fact that they are high in cholesterol. One way to prevent aging is by getting Omega 3 fatty acids, which are usually found in fish.
5. Nuts are rich in fiber making them effective in fighting off the signs of aging. The best kinds are those that are raw because those that are salted or roasted may do more harm than good if they are eaten in vast quantities.
6. People need energy in order to do things daily. The body burns carbohydrates in order to do this and the best source is either from pasta or brown rice.
7. The last thing needed to detoxify and keep the skin smooth all day is water. Most of us have heard that people should drink at least 8 glasses a day. Studies have shown the body needs more than that and it is much better than any cream on the market.
Most people can get it in bottled form but those who want a fresher source can turn to fruits like coconuts and watermelons.
Aging is something people have to worry about after passing the age of 40. It can also happen a few years earlier due to stress so the best defense is by eating the 7 products mentioned at different times of the week.